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New Podcast Episodes go live 03.10.2022
The One Edinburgh Podcast is back with new hosts Natasha Mansukhani and Alexander Limper! This year, we will be hearing from more inspirational speakers from the student community, as well as from business and the local community in Edinburgh. The first episode airs today and will feature guests speakers Max Browning (Chairman of One Scotland) and Lewis Traill (Operations Director, One Scotland). Episodes will air bi-weekly every Tuesday.

New Team Members join us 01.09.2022
This year the One Edinburgh team is bigger than ever before! We have a total of 36 team members across 5 teams, including the new People Department, as well as our existing Finance, Operations, Marketing and Strategy departments. Team members have adopted the new title 'Associate', whilst team leaders will continue to use their Senior Manager titles. We have also adopted a new way of working towards our goals by introducing the project teams system. With 8 fascinating projects underway, you can be sure to expect plenty of exciting updates!

One Edinburgh leaders become Fellows 01.05.2022
After serving at the highest level of One Edinburgh, the following team members have been awarded One Scotland fellowship in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the Initiative:
Katie Warren - former One Edinburgh Senior Marketing Manager and outgoing One Scotland Marketing Director
Dubem Okorie - former One Edinburgh Senior Finance Manager and outgoing One Scotland Finance Director
Sophia Liebe - One Edinburgh Regional Director & Senior Strategy Manager

One Scotland Reception 25.04.2022
On the 25th of April 2022, the inaugural One Scotland reception was held at long last following the lifting of all pandemic restrictions in Scotland. Max Browning, Chairman & CEO of One Scotland, presided over proceedings with Frank Ross, the Lord Provost of Edinburgh. Speeches were given, highlighting the progress made within the initiative and its continued role in wider society. We had a fantastic array of guests ranging from politicians, student leaders, business leaders, academics and consul generals. The evening was a undoubted success, complimented by a wonderful performance from the Edinburgh University Jazz Orchestra

5 aside tournament proves popular 24.04.2022
On the 25th of February 2020, the inaugural meeting of One Edinburgh was held in Old College's Elder Room. Max Browning, Chairman of One Edinburgh, presided over proceedings, which included introductions by new partners, as well as discussion surrounding strategic objectives and action points. The Initiative welcomed guests of honour, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh, the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, and the Consul General of the People's Republic of China. A positive and enthusiastic atmosphere prevailed throughout the meeting.

One Edinburgh Podcast goes live 15.04.2020
Our inaugural episode of the One Edinburgh Podcast was launched today with help from our marketing team. Aisha Janki Akinola, the EUSA VP Welfare and Founding Director of the BlackED movement joined our Chairman, Max Browning, for a conversation about Aisha’s experiences as an international student and young leader. This was a fascinating and insightful discussion and is well worth a listen! In September, we will be releasing new weekly episodes, so stay tuned via Spotify.

Our first food festival goes ahead 28.02.2022
Who doesn’t like trying delicious food? It’s one of the best and most fun ways of experiencing a new culture, so we were delighted to partner with the Southern African Society, the Persian Society and ABACUS to deliver our first food festival. There was a wide array of food available to try and in total we had over 100 guests join us in 50 George Square. The next food festival will be even bigger and will take place early in Semester 1 of the academic year 22/23.

Russell Dalgleish - masterclass 25.01.2022
We know how important it is that international students are able to experience the working world in Scotland, not just because it provides them with useful experience but also because their own backgrounds are a valuable asset to companies across Edinburgh. Russell Dalgleish, Chair of the Scottish Business Network (SBN) understand this better than most. The One Scotland masterclass on how to get hired and use LinkedIn effectively as an international student has already inspired our audience to test their networking skills, and we look forward having Russell join us for further episodes later this year. You can find the 4 part series here.

Scotland & South Africa - panel discussion 30.09.2021
Scotland and South Africa – do these two countries collaborate? And if so, which areas do they work together on. We were fortunate to be joined by an excellent panel of speakers including Claire Alexander, Laura Peinke, Ian Ross, and David Katerere to discuss topics ranging from renewable energy, trade, pharmacology and culture. This talk followed on from our Scotland – North America talk, which highlighted links between the United States and Canada.

Our promo video is released 21.03.2021
After months of preparation and work lead by Senior Marketing Manager, Katie, our promo video was released this week! The video highlights Edinburgh statistics, making clear the importance of integrating international students in the city.
Special thanks go to the brilliant Tom Little for composing the soundtrack for the video (check out more of his work at and also to Sarah Leung for filming some outstanding scenes in Edinburgh.

Welcome to our new Team Members 10.02.2021
We would like to welcome our new team members to One Edinburgh! This talented group of students will work with our existing teams, as well as with the new Finance Team, to ensure that our mission continues progressing.
Joanna & Patricia join the Marketing Team
Lewis & Jim join the Operations Team
Andrew, Saria, Lizzi & Paula join the Strategy Team
Dubem heads the new Finance Team

Scottish International Week 2020 01.10.2020
On the 1st of October 2020, One Edinburgh was invited to attend Scottish International Week 2020 to discuss "Building Relationships with International Students for Business".
Thank you to Ameer Ibrahim, Michelle Santoso, Marco Garcia (on the One Edinburgh side), as well as Russell Dalgleish (Chairman SBN) and Jamie McGowan. Click on this link to view the talk:

Our Chairman speaks with EUTV 26.09.2020
On the 26th of September 2020, Max Browning was interviewed by Edinburgh University Student Television (EUTV)'s lifestyle producer, Lizzy Laycock. Max gave an overview of how One Edinburgh got started, as well as the three core focuses going forward: integrating student communities, creating a network of student leader, and working with the City of Edinburgh.

New Video
The Lord Provost of Edinburgh announces the City's continued support 14.07.2020
The Lord Provost of Edinburgh, Councillor Frank Ross, has sent a message of continued support for One Edinburgh. He highlights the importance of being an Edinburgh-wide initiative, inclusive and open to working with groups across the City. With the Lord Provost's support, as well as the City Council's, the Initiative moves closer to realising its goals.

One Edinburgh holds its first communications strategy 03.07.2020
On the 3rd of July, our Chairman, Max Browning, convened the first communications strategy meeting with the Edinburgh University Chinese Students & Scholars Association, the University of Edinburgh, the Edinburgh University Students' Association, and Edinburgh Global. The discussion was centered around optimising the use of WeChat in order to make communications more inclusive.
The meeting minutes are now available in STRATEGY.

New Video
Peter Mathieson, Principal & Vice-Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh sends message of support 18.06.2020
Professor Peter Mathieson, Principal & Vice-Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh spoke at the inaugural meeting of One Edinburgh in February 2020. Today his message is clear: One Edinburgh is going to be more important than ever before in helping to create a positive post-Covid19 society!

New Video
Interview with Dame Barbara Woodward, the British Ambassador to China 19.05.2020
On the 19th of May 2020, our Chairman, Max Browning, interviewed the United Kingdom's Ambassador to China. Topics of discussion included people-to-people relations, the future of the UK's relationship with China, and issues surrounding COVID19.
Dame Barbara has kindly offered to speak to us when she is next in Edinburgh.

Official Website Launched 02.04.2020
On the 2nd of April 2020, the official One Edinburgh Website was launched, providing participants the opportunity to share updates, as well as view latest developments and new members. All members of the Initiative are now able to sign up and view restricted information through One Edinburgh Strategy.